Recherches sur le Mouvement de Rotation des Corps celestes (Studies on the rotational movement of celestial bodie). (And the same author:) Solution d'une Question curieuse qui ne paroit soumise a aucune Analyse. (Solutions of a curious question which does not seem to have been subject to any analysis).

(Berlin, aud et Spener, 1766). 4to. Without wrappers as issued in "Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres", tome XV, pp. 265-309 a. 2 engraved plates., pp. 310-337.

Both papers first edition. In the first paper Euler uses his method of pertubations on, or the "variation of the elements or parameters" on the movement of the planets. - The second pper is one of Euler's more famous papers and a good example of his work in an area called "recreational mathematics". It was the first mathematical paper on knight's tours (A knight's tour is a path that a knight chesspiece can follow to visit every square on the chessboard without revisiting any square). (Eneroth: E 308 a. E 309).

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