Über den Humanismus.

Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann, (1949). 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers. Nice and clean copy w. only minor bending to corners. 47, (1) pp.

First separate edition of Heidegger's important work on Humanism, expounding his controversial thoughts on Humanism in general and Humanism as viewed in the Renaissance. The question posed is that of what man is seen from a humanistic point of view.

The work was originally published in "Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit" and later in "Wegmarken" (1967).

"Die vorliegene Schrift ist der für die Veröffentlichung durchgesehene und an einigen Stellen erweiterte text eines Briefes, der im Herbst 1946 an Jean Beaufret (Paris) geschrieben wurde." (Verso of title-page).

The work is written in the form of a letter, answering Beaufret's question: "How is it possible to ascribe meaning to the word Humanism?" Heidegger's answer gives us the essence of his late philosophy. He wishes to show that humanism itself is the cause of the problem that it considers itself the solution to.

Order-nr.: 38526

DKK 700,00