Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie. Erstes Buch (alles). Allegemeine Einführung in die reine Phänomenologie. Sonderdruck aus: "Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung", Bd. I herausgegeben von E. Husserl: Göttingen. + Ausfürhliches Sachregister zu Edmund Husserls "Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie" Bd. 1 von Gerda Walther.

Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1913 + 1923.

Ideen: 4to. Orig. full brown cloth w. gilt spine. Professionally rebacked preserving almost all of the original back. A bit of repaired wera to capitals and hinges. Marginal notes and underlinings throughout, all in pencil, otherwise nice and clean. VIII, 323, (1) pp. Sachregister: 4to. Unbound, no wrappers. Uncut. A bit of brownspotting. 60 pp.(2),

The scarce first edition, off-print, of Husserl's second main work, his seminal "Ideas", which constitutes the founding text of Constitutive Phenomenology and the work, in which Husserl introduces his groundbreaking notion of "epoché". It was due to this work that he was able to secure himself the position as Professor in Freiburg (from 1916-1928). Also present is the first edition of the rarely seen subject index to the "Ideen" by Gerda Walther.

Although the work is called "Ideen I", there is no doubt as to its status as a separate work. Husserl did not publish his Ideen II and III in his lifetime, and they were only published posthumously, both in 1952. They have had none of the impact that the "Ideen I" had, and they are considered to be works in their own right too, although much less interesting.

When Husserl published his "Logical Investigations" in 1900-1901, he changed the face of philosophy and founded the new philosophy of the 20th century: Phenomenology. In the Logical Investigations, Husserl began by attacking Psychologism and then went on to introduce his new philosophical method, which only then saw the light of day, and which only becomes fully developed later on. In 1900-01 he asks the question of the essence of the matter of perception as opposed to the form of perception. In his "Ideen", he extends his scope to include philosophy of the natural sciences, and he reflects thoroughly on the method of transcendental phenomenological epohé and reduction. He thus takes a new turn on conscious life and the pre-given status of it. This can no longer be accepted as something that exists in the world as the final guarantee for the world and the positive sciences of it. We must distinguish between the act of consciousness and the phenomena at which it is directed, in order to study the very structure of consciousness. All assumptions about the existence of the external world must be suspended, in order to achieve knowledge of the essences. It is this procedure that Husserl calls "epoché", and the constitutive phenomenology, which is founded in this work, is something that comes to characterize the rest of Husserl's works.

Husserl is now famous as the father of phenomenology, and he decisively influenced the likes of Heidegger, Sartre, Carnap, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas, Ricoeur, Derrida etc. etc.

Order-nr.: 38095

DKK 12.000,00