Situations, V. Colonialisme et néo-colonialisme.

(Paris), Gallimard, (1964). 8vo. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut, on very thick paper. Near mint. 253, (3) pp.

First edition of Sartre's fifth "Situation", no. 3 of 36 copies on "velin de Holland van Gelder."

"Il a été tiré de l'édition originale de cet ouvrage trente-six exemplaires sur vélin de Hollande van Gelder numérotés de 1 à 36 at cent vingt exemplaires sur vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre numérotés de 37 à 156." (Verso of title-page).

Contat & Rybalka 64/395.

Sartre's "Situations" contain many of Sartre's most important articles and essays, and it is within these that Sartre foremost shows his philosophical and political face. "The several volumes of Jean-Paul Sartre's Situations, published from 1947 on, constitute the most weighty and, in the two first volumes in particular, the most original body of essay writing of the middle of the 20th century." (Encyclop. Britannica).

In all 10 "Situations" appeared.

Order-nr.: 34818

DKK 3.300,00