Manuale Novi Testamenti, Praeter Indicem Anomalorum et Difficiliorum Vocabulorum, Libellumque de Accentibus, Indice Latino Instructissimo Recens Auctum, Ut Dictionarii Tam Graeco-Latini Usum Praestare Possit, Et Omissa Vocabula addidit andreas Goetzius.

Lipsiae, Ex officina Wiedmanniana, 1748. Small 8vo. Beautiful, well-preserved full-calf Cambridge-bdg. w. 4 raised bands on back, back richly gilt. T-p. in red and black. Clean copy w. ex-libris-stamp on t-p., picturing a crown w. the initials R.L. underneath. (4), 502 pp., Index, 43 pp.

Greek and Latin.

Order-nr.: 25864

DKK 950,00