Taes Ellados Periaegaesis (greek), hoc est...Graeciae Descriptio accurata, qua Lector ceu manu per eam regionem circumductior: cum Latina Romuli Amasaei interpretatione. Accesserunt Gul. Xylandri & Frid. Sylbergii annotationes, ac Novae Notae Ioachimi Kuhnii.

Leipzig, Thomam Fritsch, 1696. Folio. A fine full vellum with richly gilt back. Both covers very richly gilt with 2 tectangular gilt borders inside each other and inside which a large amorial centerpiece (with a crown), repeated in smaller and larger size in corners of the rectangels. Slight wear to the gilding. Red and green titlelabels (wthese with a few tears). First hinges lower part cracking, but binding intact and nor loose. Title in red/black with engraved vignette. (26),943,(75) pp. A little browning to Index. Greek and latin text.

A fine edition and an estimated translation of Pausanias main work. The work is yielded as the very best Pausanias-edition and is renowned for its elegance and usefulness. "Édition estimée" (Brunet IV,455). "This is emphatically and justly called "edit. opt." of Pausanias. It is a very elegant and useful work, containing the most valuable parts of preceding editions, and having the advantage of being divided into chapters, with the arguments prefixed to each book, and the notes of Xylander and Sylburgius accompanying each page; it also contains the preface of the Hanover and Franckfort editions: the Greek text is given with great purity by Kühnius, to which are added his valuable and learned notes... The work is becoming scarce, and copies sell at a high price." (Dibdin II:272-73).

Order-nr.: 16389

DKK 12.000,00