Emmenologia in qua Fluxus Muliebris Menstrui. Phænomena, Periodi, Vitia, cum Medendi Methodo, ad Rationes Mechanicas exiguntur. Huic Editioni accedunt ejusdam Authoris Prælectiones Chymicæ.

Paris, G. Cavelier, 1727. Cont. full mottled calf, raised bands, richly gilt back. Top of spine chipped. (14),238,(22) pp. and bound with: FREIND, JOH. Prælectiones Chymicæ, in quibus omnes fere Operationes Chymicæ. Ad vera Principia, & ipsius Naturæ Leges rediguntur. Editio nova, auctior & emandatior. Paris, G. Cavelier, 1727. (2),XIV,102 pp. + Appendix Paris, 1727. 32 pp. (Authors reply to critics).

Emmenologia has been considered a remarkable exposition from the iatro-mathematical or mechanical point of view. In 1704 he was appointed to the chair of Chemistry in Oxford and delivered lectures theron in the Asmolean Museum, and in 1705 went as army physician to Spain with the Earl of Peterborough. (Ferguson I:290-91). Freind is furthermore considered the first English historian of medicine.

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