Dissertationum de Concordia sacerdotii et imperii sev de Liber Tatibus ecclesiae Gallicanae Libri octo. Post tertiam gallicanam prioribus Auctiorum et emendatiorem, Editio in germania prima. Qvibus accesserunt eiusdem Autoris Dissertationes ecclesiasticae varii argumenti. 2 Vols. (3 parts). (+) Selectae Observationes ecclesiasticae, Dissertationes... De Concordia Sacerdotii... a Iusto Henningo Boehmero.

Franckfurt, Thomam Fritsch, 1708 and Leipzig, Thomam Fritsch, 1708. Folio. Contemp. full calf. 6 raised bands. Richly gilt compartments. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A tear to hinge at the lower compartments (not loose). Slightly rubbed. Engraved portrait (De Marca). (16) pp., 1286 columns + Index; (2) pp., 430 columns + Index; (2) pp., 168 columns + Index. Browning to portrait and titlepage. Scattered brownspots and some quires with browning.

This edition is augmeted with Marca's dissertations which were also published separately.

Marca was a French prelate and historian and attracted the notice of Richelieu by his support of the Catholic cause in the south during the wars of religion. Richelieu brought him to paris as counsellor of State in 1640. He defended the "Gallian Liberties" in the famous treatise "De Concordia", the item offered, first printed in 1641 (comprising only 4 books). He was nominated archbischop of Paris after De retz in 1662.

Graesse IV:380 - Brunet III:1392.

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