In D. Pauli epistolas omnes interpretatio, ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem quam diligentissime recognita. Indicata sunt quoctz loca eorum, quae passim ab autore é sacra citantur pagina.

Coloniae (Kölln), ex. Officina Eucharii Cervicorni (Impensis Magistri Godefridi Hitorpii), 1539.

Small 8vo. Bound in an early 18th century modest hcalf. Some of the paper on froncover gone. Leaves unnumbered. Ca. 350 leaves. A dampstain to foot of the first ca. 100 leaves, decreasing towards end. A woodengraved illustration on titlepage. Titlepage somewhat soiled and with old owners names. Last leaf somewhat soiled.Some large initials. A few contemporary annotations.

Not in Adams.

Order-nr.: 44718

DKK 2.850,00