Kviksølvets elektriske Ledningsmodstand i absolut Maal.

Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1873. Original clothbacked printed boards. Offprint from "Oversigter over d. K.D. Vidensk. Selskabs Forhandlinger. 1873, Nr. 1). A stamp on title-page. 20 pp. with 1 textillustration (apparatus). Scattered brownspots. Inscribed from the author on top of frontcover "Vensk. fra Forf" (i.e. with friendship from the author).

Extremely scarce first edition in the OFFPRINT issue with inscription from the author. Here Lorenz established the method for absolute ohm determination by means of the elctromotive force and the geometrical dimensions of his apparatus. The paper was immideately translated into German and published the same year in Annalen der Physik und Chemie.
Lorenz is well known for his achievements in optics, the formula for dependence of refraction upon specific gravity (the Lorentz-Lorenz formula), and his electromagnetic theory of light, developed in a relatively unknown paper of 1867, two years after Maxwell’s famous paper on the same subject.

Order-nr.: 52157

DKK 4.500,00