Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1889. 8VO. Contemp. hcalf. Raised bands, gilt spine. Top of spine worn and some wear to upper compartment. In "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge Bd. 37. VIII,680 pp. a. 7 folded plates. Pockels' paper: pp. 144-172, 269-305, 372-394. Small stamp to htitle, title-page and verso of. Internally fine.
First printing of Pockels' paper in which he announced the discovery of the effect which bears his name. He shows that the optical property is changed by a change in the dieelectric function induced by electric deformation of a solid. The discovery became to have a wide use in semiconductor technology.
The volume contains further notable papers ELSTER & GEITEL "Ueber die Electricitätserregung beim Contact verdünnter Gase mit galvanisch glühende Drähten", pp. 315-329. - HEINRICH HERTZ "Ueber die Fortleitung electrischer Wellen durch Drähte", pp. 395-407. - W. HALLWACHS "Ueber den Zusammenhang des Elektricitätsverlustes durch beleuchtigung mit der Lichtsabsorption" (The photo-electric effect !), pp. 666-674, papers by Lenard, Ferdinand Braun (2 papers) etc.
Order-nr.: 49414