Ueber die Gleichgewicht schwimmender elastischer Platten.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1884. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg.von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge Band XXII, No 7. With halftitle to vol. 24. (Entire issue 7) Pp. 305-464 a. 3 folded lithographed plates. Hertz's paper: pp. 449-455. Clean and fine. Halftitle with a small stamp.

First appearance of an importent paper on the THEORY OF ELASTICITY.

"At the beginning of 1883, Hertz again became interested in a problem of elasticity. Now it was the question of bending of an infinite plate floating in water and normally loaded at one point. He found that the plate deflects downward under the load but at a certain distance from the load deflection become negative. Then, at an increased distance, they again become positive, and so on. Thusthe surface is wavy, and the high of the waves rapidly diminishes with increase of the distance from the load. He arrived, in this way, at the paradoxical conclusion that a plate, heavier than water, can be made to flow by loading it at the center, The explanation is that due to bending the plate aquires the form of a shell and can press out more water than is equivalent to its own weight."(Timoshenko "History of the Strenght of Material" p.349).

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