Ableitung des Stefan'schen Gesetzes, betreffend die Abhängigkeit der Warmestrahlung von der Temperatur aus der electromagnetischen Lichttheorie.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1884. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge Bd. 22, 6. Heft (= No 6). Titlepage to vol. 22. Pp. 145-304 (entire issue offered "Heft" 6). Boltzmann's paper: pp. 291-294. Small stamp to titlepage and verso of.

First appearance of this importent paper in which Boltzmann uses the second law of thermodynamics and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory to derive theoretically, based on Stefan's experimental observations, the proportionality of the radiation emitted from a body and the fourth power of the temperature of the body in Kelvin units. "The law show a possible connection between thermodynamics and electromagnetism that was exploited in the later quantum theory. In the 1920s it was applied by Edington and others in explaining the equilibrium of stellar atmospheres."(DSB II, p. 266).

"The law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body per unit time (known variously as the black-body irradiance, energy flux density, radiant flux, or the emissive power), is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body's thermodynamic temperature T (also called absolute temperature).
The Stefan Boltzmann law was experimentally discovered in the year 1879 by Josef Stefan and deduced 1884 by Ludwig Boltzmann theoretically by thermodynamic considerations from the classical electromagnetic theory of the radiation. In the year 1900, thus 21 years after the Stefan Boltzmann law, discovered Max Planck the Planck radiation law designated after it, from which the Stefan Boltzmann law follows simply by integration over all directions and wavelengths. The Planck radiation law could attribute the Stefan Boltzmann constant also for the first time with the introduction of the quantum of action h to fundamental natural constants."
Parkinson "Breakthroughs" 1883 P.

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