Disputationum Physicarum. Disputatio I-XII. (1. Ahassuerus Christiani: Physica de Universae Aristotelis Scientiae Physicae Constitutione. - 2. Bartholomaeus Schwetke ?: De Rerum naturalium principiis in genere, capita sunt. (seems to lack title-page). - 3. Michael Schertzer: Physica De Primarum Materia. - 4. Iohannes Iöstelius: Physica De Privatione et Forma. - 5. Erasmus Kretzschmar: Physica De Natura. - 6. Ioannes Georg Brunerus: Physica De Monstris. - 7. Sigmund Evenius: Physica De Causis. - 8. Ioducus Willichius, Iodoci Nepos: Physica De Motu in Genere, qviete et infinito. - 9. Frideric Wengius: Physica De Loco et Vacuo. - 10. Ernestus Hettenbach: Physica De tempore. - 11. Michael Klobius: Physica De Speciebus Motus. - 12. Ulricus Volmarus: De primo Motore.

Witebergae (Wittenberg), Iohan. Gorman, 1607. 4to. No binding, but bound together. All 12 dissertations with own title-page (except one) and all (except one) with broad woodcut border. Unnumbered. (6) pp. of Index, but seems to lack a general title to the collection. The dissertations from 10-20 pp. each.

The dissertations all seems to comments on and explaining Aristotelian physics in the way of the Schoolmen.

Order-nr.: 49241

DKK 4.500,00