Beiträge zur Characteristik der neueren Philosophie, zu Vermittlung ihrer Gegensätze.

Sulzbach, Seidelsche Buchhandlung, 1829. 8vo. Bound in a very nice recent hcalf in old style w. five raised bands, gilt spine and gilt red leater title-label. Gilt borders to marbled paper-covered boards. An exceptionally fine and clean copy. XXX, (2, -Druckfehler und Verbesserungen), 416 pp.

First edition of one of, if not the, most important of J.H. Fichte's works, -the first of his larger independant works.

Immanuel Hermann Fichte (1796-1879) was the son of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. He himself became a skilled and important theologian and philosopher.

In his philosophy Fichte wishes to bridge the gaps between Hegel and Herbert with the aid of Leibnitz. He mainly attacks Hegel for his Pantheism and thus comes to establish a new philosophical movement on these grounds.

Order-nr.: 34974

DKK 4.000,00