Hydrachnae, qvas in Aqvis Daniae Palustribus detexit, descripsit, pingi et Tabulis XI aeneis incidi.

Leipzig, Siegrfried Lebrecht Crusium, 1781.
4to. Cont. full vellum. Title gilt on back. Light browning to outer part of covers. LXXXVIII pp. and 11 folded engraved plates depicting 71 species, all in fine hancolouring. The first leaves with a dampstain in lower right corner and a faint dampstain in upper right corners on plates, not affecting the image. Printed on thick paper.

First edition of Müller's importent work on this new animal group, Hydrachnics (watermites), which family he established as "Hydrachnae". He describes 71 species of which 49 were completely new. - Nissen ZBI: 2931. - Bibl. Danica II:181.

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