Historia Animalium, In quo pleromque Animalium præcipuæ proprietates ad usum...breviter accomodantur, Cum Commentariis & Supplementis Observatiorum ex recentiori Historia naturali, Similitu dinum, Emblematum, Hieroglyphico, ad usum Oratoriæ tum Civilis tum Ecclesiasticæ, Opera Johannis Cypriani....(2 Parts).

Frankfurt & Leipzig, Gottfred Leschium, 1712. 4to. Cont. full vellum with calligraphed title on back. Engraved portrait as frontispice. Title in red/black. (34),1836 pp. Light scattered browning to leaves, but fine.

The present copy of this edition contains only 2 parts, but forming the whole work of Franzius's well-known account of the biblical animals. Cyprinus' work, which should be part III-IV having its own title is not present here. - Wood p. 348 having an edition from 1665 in 12mo. - BMC (NH) II:614

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