Sur les fonctions elliptiques p-adiques. Presentée par Élie Cartan.

(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1936. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", Tome 203, No 1. Pp. (5-) 136 (entire issue offered). Weil's paper: pp. 22-24. Disbound and paper a bit fragile.

First printing of an importent paper on compact groups.
"J. von Neumann an A. Weil, by different methods, obtained simultaneously the uniqueness in the case of of locally compact groups, A. Weil indicating at the same time how the procedure of Haar could be extended to general locally compact groups. It is also A. Weil (in the paper offered) who obtained the condition for the existence of a relatively invariant measure on a homogenous space, and showed finally that the existence of a "measure" (endowed with reasonable properties) on a separated topological group, implies ipse facto that the group is locally precompact."(Bourbaki "Elements of the istory of Mathematics", p. 233).

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