De integralibus quibusdam definitis, quorum summa ad quadraturam divisionemque circuli revocatur.

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1840. 4to. In "Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 21. band, 4. heft.". Entire issue offered in the original printed wrappers, without backstrip. Fine and clean. Pp. 293-327 [Entire volume: Pp. 293-380, (2) + 1 folded plate.].

First printing.
Richelot was a student of Jacobi. Richelot authored numerous publications among them - with his 1832 dissertation - the first known guide to the Euclidean construction of the regular 257-gon with compass and straightedge.

Order-nr.: 46408

DKK 800,00