Recherches de Dynamique.

(Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1760). 4to. Extract from "Mémoires de Mathematique et de Physique, Présentés à l'Academie des Sciences par divers Savans", Tome III. Pp. 473-500 a. 3 folded engraved plates.

First printing of one of Busset's major papers on mathematical physics.

"Bossut was one of a very few whom d’Alembert took as students, and as such he was admitted as a correspondant to the Académie des Sciences on 12 May 1753; subsequently, he rose to géométre, mécanicien, and mathématicien. In 1761, 1762, and 1765 he won or shared prizes given by the Academy for memoirs on mechanics applied to the operation of ships and on the resistance of the ether in planetary motions. He won additional prizes for his mechanics memoirs from the academies of Lyons and Toulouse, and was elected to the scientific academies of Bologna, Turin, and St. Petersburg. In 1775 he participated with d’Alembert and Condorcet in a well known series of experiments on fluid resistance. Never more than a minor mathematician or physicist, Bossut is nevertheless one of the important figures in the history of physics and engineering education. (DSB).

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