De motu corporum gravium, pendulorum, et projectilium in mediis non resistentibus et resistentibus supposita gravitate uniformi et non uniformi atque ad quodvis punctum datum tendente, et de variis aliis huc spectantibus, Demonstrationes Geometricae (+) Continuatio demonstrationum.

Leipzig, Grosse & Gleditsch, 1713. 4to. Bound in contemporary full vellum. In: "Actorum Eruditorum Anno MDCCXIII". The entire volume offered. Hand-written title on spine. A yellow label pasted on to top of spine. A small stamp to title-page and free front end-paper and a library label to pasted down front free end-paper. As usual with various browning to leaves and plates. Pp. 77-95 + 1 engraved plate; pp. 115-132. [Entire volume: (4),559,(22). + 6 engraved plates.].

First publication of Johann Bernoulli's long analysis of trajectory design in which he corrected Newton's wrong description of the same subject in his "Principia" published in 1687.
The problem of orthogonal trajectory was a major mathematical topic in the late 17th and early 18th century and Johann Bernoulli was the first to raise the problem about the brachystochrone in 1697.

Many other papers by influential contemporary mathematicians, philosophers and historians are to be found in the present volume.

Order-nr.: 43831

DKK 3.500,00