Mathesis Compendiaria sive Tyrocinia Mathematica Tabulis. Matheseos Generalis. Arithmeticis. Algebraicis. Geometricis. Trigonometrica. Opticis. Architecturæ Militaris. Architecturæ Civilis. Chronologicis. Statica sive Mechanica. Horologiographica. Chiromantica comprehensa & Figuris æri incisis illustrata. In tyronum usum pro Collegiis privatis adornata, nunc quinta vice, correctior edita.

Leipzig & Coburg, Pauli Güntheri Pfotenhaueri, 1707.

Bound to style in a fine later full calf., raised bands, gilt compartments and titlelabel. 69 pp., 19 full-page engraved illustrations and 2 half-page. 2 nicks to the right part of titlepage neathly repaired, no loss of text.

Fifth edition of Sturm's excellent illustrated work on the different branches of pure and applied mathematics, such as geometry, arithmetics, algebra, trigonometry, optics, statics, mechanics etc.

Order-nr.: 38637

DKK 5.850,00