Lugd. Batav. (Leiden), Franciscum Hegerum, 1640. 12mo. Contemp. full vellum. Some traces of use to binding. Small stamp on title. Engraved title. (22),752,(30) pp.(incl. Errata). Greek and Latin text.
This novel by Achilles (second cent. A.D.) "The Adventures of Leucippe and Cleitophon follows the usual patterns of the genre (a much hindered love - between two protagonists - triumphs in the end over numberless difficulties, terrifying dangers, and complicated adventures - voyages, shipwrecks, tortures, guiles, abductions, attacks by pirates and robbers etc.); the story is told - this is unusual in the genre - in the first person by Cleitophon himself, whom Achilles pretends to have met in Sidon. The authors style is typically Atticistic.." (Oxf. Class. Dict.). - Brunet I: p.37 - Graesse I: p.13 "Cette jolie edition, qui se joint à la collection des Elzeviers, et qui est complète et fait d'apres plusieurs manuscrits, a beaucoup de fantes d'impressionn." - Willems No 1611.
Order-nr.: 36000