(Paris, Bachelier), 1847. 4to. No wrappers. In "Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences", Vol. 25, No 17. Pp. (561-) 608. (Entire issue offered). Niepce de Saint-Victor's paper: pp. 579-589.
First appearance of this milestone paper in the histroy of photography in which Niepce de Saint-Victor describes his invention of photography on glass or "glass negatives".
"Early in 1847 Niepce de Saint-Victor experienced with the use of starch paste on his glass plates as a binding substratum for the iodide coating, but he soon found that albumen was preferable; he also tried gelatine, but laid it aside because it came off in the aceto-silver nitrate bath. By a mixture of honey, syrup, or whey with the albumen, he oncreased, later the sensivity. He published his process on October 25, 1847, in the Comp. rend. (the paper offered), and soon had many followers. He also made many modifications (Annexe to the memoir)." (Eder "History of Photography", Dover Publ., pp. 338 ff.).
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