On a new detonating Compound, in a Letter from ....., to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks. Read November 5, 1812.

(London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1813). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" 1813 - Part I. Pp. 1-7.

First appearance of this importent historical paper in which Davy describes how he produced Nitrogen Chloride.

"In September 1812 Davy heard from Paris of a compound of 'gaz zote et de chlore....", The discoverer and method of preparation were not stated, and Davy found no notice of it in the French literature. n a paper read on 5 November ....(the paper offered) he described its preparation by the action of chlorine on cooled solutions of ammonia, nitrate of ammonia, and oxalate of ammonia, and some of its explosive properties. He was seriously injured in the eye by an explosion."(Partington IV, p. 57-58).

This explosion induced Davy to hire Faraday as a co-worker.

Together with J.F.W.HERSCHEL "On a remarkable Application of Cote's Theorem. Communcated by by W. Herschel. Read November 12, 1812." Pp. 8-26 and 1 engraved plate.

Order-nr.: 45710

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