Ueber die Absorption der Gasarten durch Wasser und andere tropfbare Flüssigkeiten. Frei bearbeitet von Gilbert. Mit einigen Zusätzen.

(Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1808). Without wrappers as published in "Annalen der Physik. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert", Bd. 28, Viertes Stück. The entire issue offered (=Heft 4). Titlepage to vol. 28 (small stamps on verso). Pp. 377-496 a. 3 engraved plates. Dalton's paper: pp. 397-416 a. 1 engraved plate showing apparatus.

First appearence i German of Dalton's epoch-making paper in which is contained THE FIRST CLEAR STATEMENT OF MODERN ATOMIC THEORY and having the FIRST LIST OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS "Verhältniss der Gewichte der kleinsten Theilschen von gasförmigen und andern Körpern." (Table of the relative weights of the ultimate particles of gaseous and other bodies). The paper offered is a free translation of Dalton's paper "On the Absorption of Gases by Water and Other Liquids", published 1805 in "Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester".

"The paper was read to the Manchester Philosophical Society by Dalton in 1803 and printed in 1805. The appended table in this paper is the first list of atomic weights. Dalton, in this publication, took the law which William henry had recently enunciated (that the amount of of gas absorbed by a liquid is proportional to the pressure) and extended it to apply to mixtures of gases, using his own law of partial pressures." (Leicester & Klicktein "A Source Book in Chemistry", p. 258).

Parkinson "Breakthroughs", 1803 C.- Smyth No. 38.

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