Ueber das Kadmium. (Eine Darstellung der Resultate des ersten Theils seiner Untersuchungen über dieses, vo ihm in dem Zink und den Zinkoxyden entdeckte, neue Metall.).

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1819. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik. Hrsg. von Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert", Bd. 60 Heft 2 (= Jahrgang 1818, zehntes Stück). Pp. 113-218 a. 1 engraved plate (map). The entire issue offered (Heft 2). Stromeyer's paper pp. 193-210. Clean and fine.

First appearance of Strohmeyer's account of his discovery of Cadmium. The history of its discovery was very complicated as some
other laid claim to its discovery.

Stromeyer was inspector general of apothecaries in Hannover. "In 1817, fulfilling the duties of his office, he came across an apothecary's shop in which a bottle labeled zinc oxide contained zinc carbonate. Following this up, Stromeyer found himself interested in zinc carbonate, which turned yellow on strong heating as though it contained iron as an impurity, yet it contained no iron. He traced the yellow to an oxide not of zinc but of a hitherto unknown metal rather like it chemically. He named it cadmium for a zinc ore in which it is usually found accompanying the zinc."(Asimov).

Weeks "Discovery of the Elements", pp. 135-39.

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