Relation d'un Voyage Aérostatique fait par M. Gay-Lussac. Le 29 fructidor an 12 (1804).

Paris, Chez Bernard, An XIII (1805). Contemp. hcalf., gilt spine. Top of spine with wear. In: "Annales de Chimie" Vol. 52. 358 pp. (The entire volume offered). Gay-Lussac's paper: pp. 75-94 a. large foldet "Tableau des Observations". Internally clean, printed on good paper.

First printing of the scientific account of Gay-Lussac's famous ascent in a hydrogen ballon in order to make observations on the composition of the air, pressure and the earth's magnetic force. This voyage together with the voyage in the same year with Biot is the first ascents with a scientific purpose.

"Gay-Lussac made an ascent in a hydrogen ballon with Biot on 24 August 1804. The primary object of the ascent was to see whether the magnetic intensity at theearth's surface decreased with an increase in altitude. The concluded that it was constant up to 4,000 meters. They also carried long wires to test the electricity of different parts of the atmosphere. Another object was to collect a sample of air from a high altitude to compare its composition with that of air at ground level. Gay-Lussac made a second ascent, on 16. September 1804 (the paper offered), but this time by himself, in order to lessen the weight of the balloon and thus reach a greater high.
He was able to repeat observations of pressure, temperature, and humidity and also make magnetic measurem,ents. He had taken two evacuated flasks, which he opened to collect samples of air when he had attained an altitude of over 6,000 meters. His subsequent analysiss of these samples showed that the portion of oxygen was identical with that in ordinary air. Gay-Lussac reached a calculated high of 7,o16 meters above sea level, a record not equaled for another half a century."(DSB V, p. 318).
Brockett: 5164 a - Tissandier p. 23.

The volume contains other importent papers, Thenard "Mémoire sur la liqueur fumante e Cadet", Parmentier "Experiences et Observations sur la collage et la clarification des vins, de la biere, etc.", Vauquelin "Analyse des topazes", Chenevix and others.

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