Lehrbuch der Chemie. Nach des Verfassers schwedischer Bearbeitung der Blöde-Palmstedt'schen Auflage übersetzt von F. Wöhler. 4 Bde. (8 Abtheilungen).

Dresden, Arnoldischen Buchhandlung, 1825-31.

Uncut in 8 orig. blue boards. Printed on good paper. A wormtrack on cover of volume IV:2, only effecting cover and halftitle. With all 13 folded engraved plates, showing chemical apparatus. Titles with rubber-stamps.

This German translation of Berzelius main work contains many additions by the author not found in the swedish original. "Berzelius's work on the science of Chemistry in general is universally known. He mastered the whole of Chemistry as no one else has ever done since his time, and he created something new in all the spheres in which he worked."

Order-nr.: 16744

DKK 10.000,00